Thursday, January 9, 2025

A New Relationship

Not long ago we watched a film called, "Man of God" found (here). It was based on the life of Saint Nectarios of Aegina, Greece. The film depicts his work among the public and within the church and also his conflicts with his superiors and the religious establishment. It was a very interesting story to watch all the turmoil he suffered because the leadership in the church were jealous of the peoples love for him. He was a humble man and suffered dearly at the hands of those who ought to have been his friends and teachers.

At the end of the film it shows the Father Nectarios dying in a hospital and sharing the room with a working man who fell off a cliff and became paralyzed from the waist down. The man who is paralyzed said, "I don't understand why God didn’t let me die when I feel off that cliff. I don’t understand why..." Then Father Nectarios says, "He has a purpose for you my brother." The man responds confused, "A purpose?! What purpose?? I can’t move my body. All I can do is lay here. I can’t take care of my family. I can’t feed my children. I can’t do anything......I don’t know why am I here?" Father says the most profound response: "Every one of us should ask that question, you are just forced to do it."

With the start of a new year - consider getting a pen and paper and asking the Lord that question. Why am I here? What did You make me for? What is my purpose?

One way to know what you were made to do is to find what makes you come alive inside. What is that gift you came with that no one has to coax you into?

Consider asking the Lord to give you a word or phrase for the upcoming year. We do this each year as a family. Last year I got the word "Pillar" and I saw myself holding up our house. Not many months after this my husband broke his leg and the one who has all the strength in every way now needed me to hold things up.

When you ask the Lord for an advanced word or phrase for the year, upon receiving that answer consider asking more questions: Is there more You can tell me about that word? Is there a spiritual gift I should ask for to help me with this word? How can I use this word to draw closer to You? In what ways are You asking me to Spiritually mature? How can I best prepare for what will happen in my life in 2025? What spiritual gifts should I seek after to help me with what is coming for me? What good things to You have for me this year? What things do I do that You would like me to stop doing? What relationships would You like me to focus on? Who do I need to forgive? What is keeping me from having a closer relationship with You?

Now is also a good time to look at relationships in your life and ask yourself if they are enhancing your life or depleting you of life. Consider asking the Lord what to do about those relationships that are causing you stress and how to best manage them. Ask the Lord about websites you frequent or channels you subscribe to or social media you consume. How much is dross that can be discarded for more time with Him?

I recently felt to give more time and attention to my children. And I already felt like I was an olympic gold medalist at time and attention to my kids but the Lord showed me another area I could sacrifice in order to be better present for them. A few weeks ago one of my children started talking about a problem they were having (which they'd vocalized many times before). This time I prayed in my heart for help. I realized that if this child is still bringing it up, then it's only getting worse and not better. After offering a quick prayer I saw in my mind what questions to ask and how to approach each area of the conversation.

Then...I did what I saw to do. The conversation took about an hour but when it was over it felt like a dam broke and the River of Life poured into that room. Something had been shattered and I felt air fill my lungs in a new way that I can not describe. I felt the Lord ask me - "If I had offered you the chance to come to My throne and see Me in My full glory or to have helped this child...which would you have chosen?" And I said immediately in my heart - "After today now I know I would have chosen to help this child. Thank You. Thank YOU for today!!"

When you are living in a Godly fellowship, be it with your friends or family, coming to their aide in their darkest times of need....there is nothing greater. Walking and being at one with Him is everything

I have a friend I've been praying for for about 7 years. They are nearly bedridden and doctors do not know how to help them. This person is strong and independent in the extreme. To see them suffer makes me suffer. A few years ago when I was praying for them to be healed, the Lord said, "They will be healed - when it's time." I told this to my friend and they said that was an almost verbatim quote from their patriarchal blessing. But still I persisted in asking the Lord for them to be healed. This seemed the best thing to do. But last weekend I realized that I needed to ask the Lord - "what is the best thing that I can pray for my friend? Is it healing?" What I learned was that all my prayers had been counted unto them for righteousness but that the greater thing I could pray for was "patience in their suffering".

I have another friend who stopped believing in God and their spouse was heartbroken. I have prayed over and over that they would start believing in God again. But then I asked the Lord what the best thing I could pray for this person was. And I learned this was part of their journey and part of the cleansing of their bloodline. The Lord showed me that the miracle that will awaken them to God is so beautiful that I would never, ever want to take that from them because it will make them love God more than I ever thought possible. And so I felt to pray that they could bear this burden and then to focus my prayers on their spouse and to pray to strengthen them to be able to bear this weight.

Ask the Lord about the things that you are praying for. Is there something better you could be asking for? Maybe you want healing and it's not what is it that you need to ask for in this valley? Maybe you want an experience with the Lord but, as I experienced with the healing of my child's issue, that wasn't the greatest gift I could have asked for at that time! Sometimes we get our minds set on what we think will solve the problem but the Master knows what is best. Ask Him. Trust Him. 

Monday, December 30, 2024

Defying Gravity

There are different types of people that leave the church and the reasons they leave the church vary. In my observation, the two most common reasons people leave the church are either because of the way the church handles LGBTQ issues or because they are shocked by the "history of polygamy". It is the latter I am writing on today.

My husband was talking on the phone with a loved one about Joseph Smith's innocence in polygamy and the church's attempts to cover it up and twist the story. He wanted them to watch a video which shows documents and timelines that prove Joseph's innocence. They were very reluctant and they said that they didn't want to "end up like (John Doe)". This "John Doe" character they named "found out" Joseph "practiced polygamy" and left the church.

As I sat there listening to the conversation I had to chuckle and shake my head at the realization of the irony. So I'll say it like the joke that it is:

What does an active member of the church and a bitter ex-Mormon have in common?

Both believe the exact same things about Joseph Smith.

The only difference between the two is that one is disgusted by the "lies" and one justifies the "lies".

That's all.

Ryan asked them, "Why are you okay if Joseph lied to the church about polygamy but when I tell you it was Brigham who lied - you won't even consider it and it is repugnant to you?"

Fascinating conundrum. Someone is lying. Best if Brigham who 'ner saw God and hated Emma with all his soul was the good one here. 

For a good time I highly recommend you go to the Joseph Smith papers and in the search bar type the word, "Sealed" and look at all the "wives" Joseph was sealed to. Open the documents and I challenge you to find ONE record showing a single sealing that took place in Joseph's lifetime. I gave the same challenge to a loved one a few weeks ago and I have yet to hear from them.

Now...who cares about Joseph when Jesus is all that matters? 

Because I believe Joseph was able to produce, through the gifts of the Lord, some things that greatly enhance our journey as we work to find the path that leads to the cherubim and flaming sword and those things can teach us the key words and signs and tokens that allow us to pass the angels that stand as sentinels there to enter back into His presence. 

Is it necessary to use these tools? No. But it has sure made a difference for me. But Jesus will meet us where we are at, this I know. 

In this post I am including two videos that are phenomenal. These people have invested so much personal time to present the Truth. I highly recommend subscribing to their channels.

Video: Woe Unto You, Scribes

Video:  Joseph Smith: The Lies, Propaganda, and the The Truth about Polygamy

In my observation, ex-Mormons and Mormons have something in common - they don't take time to dig up actual historical documents for themselves. Yes, both read other people's version of history but neither takes the time to look up each reference. And I have found the most dubious references time and time and time again!

I get it...history is too complicated to parse through and "who can really know the truth anyways" (has been said to me more times than I can count). People that are willing to dig and ask questions and look at dates and sources will find treasures. And few be there that take the time to find it. 

I recently went to see the movie "Wicked". If you haven't seen it, this will give spoilers. In the movie they show you that the "Wicked Witch of the West" (Elphaba) was actually a good person who only wanted one thing - to meet the wizard of Oz so she could ask him to make her green skin "normal". The people in the story refer to Oz as though he is god. He is the only person who can read the spell book. He and his cohorts control the narrative and what the people hear over the megaphone of who is good and who is bad.

Finally Elphaba gets to meet the wizard and discovers that he can't actually read the book. But she can! She sadly sees he has no power and understands the sham Oz was built around. What's more interesting is that her best friend (Glinda) sees it too. But Glinda is more concerned with hierarchy and climbing the ladder of the system than she is about walking in the Truth.

Can you see the parallel? Have you experienced this with those you love as you come to see that the Great and Powerful Oz (the prophet) is claiming to be the only one who can read the book (though they aren't)...but all those that have the 1. desire and 2. humbly seek the Lord...can?

The movie shows a great waking up journey. In the song, "Defying Gravity" Glinda says to Elphaba, "just say you're can still be in the church be with the wizard. What' you've worked and waited can have all you ever wanted." It's so interesting because Glinda saw with her own eyes the same thing Elphaba saw - that the wizard can't read the book. But she's still so focused on the system and the power of hierarchy that she doesn't care that he can offer Elphaba nothing. 

Elphaba says, "Something has changed within me...something is not the same. I'm through with playing by the rules of someone else's game. Too late for second-guessing...too late to go back to sleep. It's time to trust my instincts...close my eyes and leap!" Glinda then accuses Elphaba of thinking she is better than the prophet...I mean the Wizard of Oz. Have you been accused of that yet? 

I recommend listening to the song afresh with your journey in mind. Too late for second-guessing...too late to go back to sleep. I recommend you try defying Gravity with the One who made you. He makes the weak strong. He makes the dead to rise. He makes the lame walk. And He can make you His if you ask Him. He can read the book (Revelation 5) and He wants you to read it too (Acts 2:17). 

Defying Gravity

Friday, November 15, 2024

The Larger Story...Lock Eyes On Jesus

I don't want to write about politics but I have felt like it is necessary in order to say what I want to say.

Right now there are many people who are either very let down or others who are over the moon. I have a friend who told me they won't be going home for the holidays because of their anger toward their family for the way they voted. My heart is sad at the division. No matter where you stand, it's important to see that there is more than politics at play here.

Got some time for backstory? About 14 years ago before my husband and I were waking up we had another couple whom we became best friends with. My husband and the other husband both read a book, "Awakening to Our Awful Situation: Warning From the Nephite Prophets" by Jack Monnett. They would discuss that book all.the.time. It was a book about how our government has been infiltrated and corrupted by both sides and to awaken to the secret combinations - as the Book of Mormon tells us to do.

Listening to them talk about that book every time we got together filled me with unexplained internal anger. I'd never felt this before but I truly felt angry inside that they would talk about our government being corrupted and I felt what they were discussing was all lies. My husband would try to talk to me about the book and for the first time - I would cut him off and ask him never to talk to me about it. I can see now I was filled with a spirit that did not want to hear truth. Inside I felt like plugging my ears and closing my eyes and shouting, "I'm not listening! I'm not listening!"

One day I needed to get the garden weeding done and knowing it would take me some time, I found an old iPod our friend had given us. Coincidentally the only thing on that iPod was the book, "Awakening to Our Awful Situation". I was buuugged. But then...Lo! a thought! I had the idea to listen to a chapter so I could prove how dumb this whole book was. Brilliant. I selected a chapter on why the second amendment was important. And the more I listened, the more I felt my mind being cleansed. Truth was flooding in faster than I could comprehend it and in one moment my mind was baptized with truth and I could see.

Truly these scriptures are prophecy!!!

20 And now I, Moroni, do not write the manner of their oaths and combinations, for it hath been made known unto me that they are had among all people, and they are had among the Lamanites.

21 And they have caused the destruction of this people of whom I am now speaking, and also the destruction of the people of Nephi.

22 And whatsoever nation shall uphold such secret combinations, to get power and gain, until they shall spread over the nation, behold, they shall be destroyed; for the Lord will not suffer that the blood of his saints, which shall be shed by them, shall always cry unto him from the ground for vengeance upon them and yet he avenge them not.

23 Wherefore, O ye Gentiles, it is wisdom in God that these things should be shown unto you, that thereby ye may repent of your sins, and suffer not that these murderous combinations shall get above you, which are built up to get power and gain—and the work, yea, even the work of destruction come upon you, yea, even the sword of the justice of the Eternal God shall fall upon you, to your overthrow and destruction if ye shall suffer these things to be.

24 Wherefore, the Lord commandeth you, when ye shall see these things come among you that ye shall awake to a sense of your awful situation, because of this secret combination which shall be among you; or wo be unto it, because of the blood of them who have been slain; for they cry from the dust for vengeance upon it, and also upon those who built it up.

25 For it cometh to pass that whoso buildeth it up seeketh to overthrow the freedom of all lands, nations, and countries; and it bringeth to pass the destruction of all people, for it is built up by the devil, who is the father of all lies; even that same liar who beguiled our first parents, yea, even that same liar who hath caused man to commit murder from the beginning; who hath hardened the hearts of men that they have murdered the prophets, and stoned them, and cast them out from the beginning.

26 Wherefore, I, Moroni, am commanded to write these things that evil may be done away, and that the time may come that Satan may have no power upon the hearts of the children of men, but that they may be persuaded to do good continually, that they may come unto the fountain of all righteousness and be saved.

Next I am going to share a journal excerpt and also a conversation and then I'll tie it all together. Here is from my journal on January 9th, 2017. My then 10 year old child had a dream about the 45th President who had just taken office:


(Edit) said that they had a dream the night before and saw in the dream that (the President) was assassinated and then the world got really bad and in his dream he wished he could “just skip that part in time”. He said that the world was worried and thought war was going to break out. And then he said there was ‘darkness’. And I said, “What does that mean?” He said, “It was without God.” And he said he wanted to "just skip that part" because it was so dark.

Then this week my 16 year old had a dream. They said in the dream they were sitting at their computer doing some work when a message popped up that said, and I don't want to use his name but it's the incoming President's name, the message said: "(President) found dead at Mar-a-lago". Then they awoke.

I was texting with a friend who echoed the things I had received. They said that they were praying on election day and the Lord said to them that it would look as if things will get better in our country but it will be short-lived and that evil designs (beyond 'Left' or 'Right') are mounting to ruin America and its founding. The Lord told them to be at peace through this transition because this transition will turn so many lost souls back to Him and that it will be worth it.

It is my feeling that dark times are ahead for us. And if we trust in government to fix what ail's us - then we are being led into a false sense of security.

Jesus will provide everything you need.

Pray for allies and where two or three are gathered together in Jesus name - He has promised He will be in the midst of them.

Fear not to do good...for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap...fear not, little flock; do good; let earth and hell combine against you, for if ye are built upon my rock, they cannot prevail...Look unto me in every thought; doubt not, fear not. Behold the wounds which pierced my side, and also the prints of the nails in my hands and feet; be faithful, keep my commandments, and ye shall inherit the kingdom of heaven. Amen. (D&C 6:32-37)

If we try to set a timeline or an idea of what the future holds, we can unconsciously set our hearts upon that reality and when it crumbles or shifts our hearts may crumble and shift with it. There is nothing that is certain except the Rock - Jesus Christ. Set your eyes on Him and all will be provided.

I see people online telling their followers to, "prepare. Move if you can. Get your food storage bulked up!" If those are people you listen to then I would ask you to consider unsubscribing. Anyone that doesn't preach for you to lock eyes on Jesus and to seek and do His will isn't grafted into the True Vine.

Jesus will provide everything you need.

Ask Him what is the most important thing for you to do right now and it.

In May of 2017 my husband was praying in the dark hours of the morning. As he prayed about the things on his heart he unexpectedly saw the Lord come and sit by his side. Here is his journal from that day: 
I asked him about the coming destruction and asked if my family would be protected. The Lord said “They are in My hand and I will do with them as seemeth Me good. Protection is not the goal, salvation and eternal life is the goal. So many people petition for protection when that is not what will save and exalt them. I have something greater in mind than you or others can imagine when protection is all that is asked for.” 
Getting connected to the Lord through repentance, worship, and praise...seeking to do His will and His will alone is the covering of protection all must seek after.

A few years ago as I was closing the garage I stood at the door to make sure that the garage went all the way down and didn't bounce back up again. While the door was rattling it's way down I glanced around the garage, taking note of all our emergency prep items. Then the Lord spoke to me and said, "All these things keep you from trusting in Me fully." My head dropped. I was humbled.

If there is anything you can't give away, then it owns you.

There is a bigger story at play and it goes beyond Democrats and Republicans. It is far older, far deeper and we must awaken to the larger saga. The story God is telling isn't about Trump or the left and the right. It's about the rescue of the hearts of men and women. That is what is on the horizon in the months and years to come. Watch the majesty of the Lord unfold. He came to rescue the heart and to bring it into oneness with His. All those that desire Him with all their hearts WILL find Him and none are lost that seek after Him (John 17:12).

John Eldredge has said:

Security is not found in the absence of danger, but in the presence of Jesus.

The heart is God's most magnificent creation, and the prize over which he fights the kingdom of darkness.

To find God, you must look with all your heart. To remain present to God, you must remain present to your heart. To hear his voice, you must listen with all your heart. To love him, you must love with all your heart. You cannot be the person God meant you to be, and you cannot live the life he meant you to live, unless you live from the heart.

An intimate encounter with Jesus is the most transforming experience of human existence. To know him as he is, is to come home. To have his life, joy, love, and presence cannot be compared. A true knowledge of Jesus is our greatest need and our greatest happiness.

You can't fight a battle you don't think exists.

There is something about human nature that just doesn't want to face the reality that we live in two worlds. We live in the physical, material world where we have jobs, read books, and go about our business. And we live in a spiritual world - and that is a world at war.
I was talking with a friend this week who recently got home from her mission. Her mission traumatized her and I try to connect with her to help her process the things she went through. She was praying about what to do next in her life and said she couldn't hear the Lord clearly. I pointed out to her that she was headed towards a path that would please her parents but may not be the path that God has in mind for her. I told her that perhaps the reason she couldn't hear the Lord clearly is because she was only allowing him to use the letters, "ABC&D" when He speaks to her and thus it gagged him from saying E through Z which would then make His message sound garbled and unclear. Many years ago I was praying about some scriputures that confused me and I said, "Lord, You are confusing!" And I heard back, "That is because you lean on what other people tell you of Me to try to understand Me. Let Me show you who I AM. Ask Me to show you who I AM."

Once you allow the Lord to have everything in your life and that nothing is off the table - then the full use of the alphabet of revelation is in play and He can ask you to do all things and revelation becomes very easy and clear because you are willing to do things that wouldn't come naturally to you if left to your own devices.

You may want to move but the Lord says, "Stay."


You may want to beef up your food storage but the Lord says, "Trust Me."


You may want to stop going to church but the Lord says, "Go".


Whatever You ask of me Lord...that I will do.

I trust You.

God...please bless Your children to lean not to their own understanding. Bless them fulfill scripture that they seek no longer for a teacher but that they will ALL know YOU, from the least of them to the greatest of them. We know that if we ask for bread You will not give us a stone. You are a GOOD FATHER. Praise YOU! Bless You! Triumph in our lives LORD! We give You all of our hearts. You are GOOD. You are TRUE. You are FAITHFUL!!!

This song is for the prayer closet in your holy time.

One House

Saturday, November 2, 2024

Whom Do Men Say That I Am?

I've had a couple good religious conversations in the last two weeks where I was told that, "some people (" are okay going to a "lesser kingdom" and that "they wouldn't be happy in a higher kingdom" anyways. And another conversation that the LDS church is the only true church on the earth and if I value the Book of Mormon and Joseph Smith then how could I abandon the understanding that this is the church that its message will save the world? I spent about three hours writing a return email with scriptures and quotes showing we aren't as chosen as we believe we are and it was responded with, essentially, "actually...yes...yes we are chosen".

So it's had me thinking a lot lately about something that shocked me after I experienced being born again. I don't want to share my born again experience because each person's experience will be so radically different. Jesus comes for you in a way that is tailor-made just for you. There was a guy in Utah that would hold meetings and talk about his baptism of fire and then you could share yours and he would judge if it was legit or not. I watched many people doubt all they had experienced with the Lord and get turned around in their thoughts. Because of his behavior - I don't want to be a stumbling block for you. Some people have a sweetness come over them, some fire, some water, some have things totally unique to them. The most important thing is that you ask the Lord if you've been born again and when it was and then trust HIM. 

While I was experiencing being born again (it took about a month for me but for my husband it was one moment...see? It's radically different for everyone). But while I was experiencing being born again I was talking to everyone I could about this spiritual cleansing that came over me - I wanted to know what was happening. I talked to spiritual leaders, former temple president, you name it - I needed to understand what was happening. The answers were not coming. I was literally googling, "cancer symptoms" because I thought maybe I was dying. And I was...the old me was.

Over time I began turning my gaze to other Christians on YouTube who were sharing their experiences with the Spirit and with Jesus and I was stunned that some of their stories had similarities with my own. Later my husband asked me to attend a Christian women's retreat and I was skeptical in the extreme. I didn't want to go and was dragging my feet. One night I was asleep yet somehow I was sitting up in my bed and looking at a personage standing in my room. They spoke to me and said gently, "Come...come" and they motioned their hand to move towards them. As I did they handed me an invitation and I opened it and it said, "Walk with God." and I awoke. I got out of bed and went to my computer to see what this Christian women's conference was all about and it literally said, "We want to help people learn how to Walk with God." I went to the conference and experienced Jesus in an unexplainable way I never knew was possible. Being in the church it was hard for me to go from the prideful mindset that it was up to our church to save the world to the reality that it was Jesus, our Savior, who would do a marvelous work and a wonder among ALL His people.

The greatest gift I can give my children is to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. That's it. That's the highest aim, the greatest good and the very best I can do for them. And the struggle we will all encounter in religion is learning (and un-learning) another person's version of Jesus. Hence the need for discernment.

What happens if the person who is leading or teaching us was more of a business person than a spiritual type and they never did get much of a relationship with the Lord? What if their expertise was in their law or medical field or car sales or their fitness equipment business but the personal intimacy with the Lord never quite came through to the degree it did with say, Paul or Alma or Peter? What then?

When we listen to General Conference (or any conference we attend) at times we may actually be listening to people who are on the path but have not yet grabbed hold of the iron rod (I wrote about the iron rod here).

“The world needs witnesses more than it does teachers.” -Pope Paul VI 

What are we digesting into our soul when we plop our little families down for eight to ten hours of talks...and then weeks of regurgitation in lessons and Sunday school time? 

What version of Jesus are they ingesting and adding to their core understanding of who He is? 

What about to our understanding? 

You can't tell me that Orwell's prophetic, "two plus two equals five" isn't happening spiritually to our loved ones...and to us. I had a loved one text me a few weeks ago who said multiple times, "If the church isn't true then I won't believe in God anymore." 

That's the message the church sends..."it's the Kingdom of God (the LDS church)- or nothing." If you haven't seen it already - a landslide is coming. The tale-tell signs of the avalanche breaking and small chunks falling are happening. It won't take much for the whole thing to come crashing down and the importance for immovable pillars to be found among the deluge of catastrophe is more important than ever. Our loved ones are learning that it's our God - or it's nothing. Watch this video of rising star Elder Brad Wilcox pour that into the youth's malleable brains...and you think this message isn't reverberated at FSY or Seminary or Sunday School? He said that if you leave the church, "Say goodbye to the whole piano (God)...have fun playing chopsticks the rest of your life (no relationship with God)." 

One of my most beloved friends in my whole life just told me they no longer believe in God anymore. I cried for two weeks. This is what the church produces - and you're fooling yourself if you believe you can stick your loved ones in a pot of warm water and surely the message won't get warmer and warmer until they're cooked. The message will get warmer and you and your loved ones ability to discern truth from error will become more difficult and before long - God will become a giant question mark. If you aren't feeling to step away, I hear you. You have to do what the spirit is telling you to do. All I am saying is monitor your loved ones closely as you would if they were taking a medication with a list of potentially harmful side effects. Don't check out - see what's sticking and be engaged so that you are there to point them to Jesus. 

I'm not going to beat around the bush. We need to know who Jesus is. One way we see who He is is by observing with fresh eyes and discernment what Jesus is doing in the world. 

When we live in this Mormon bubble that "we alone" have all the "truth" and it is up to us to preach it to the world and get them saved. These are prideful and arrogant spirits that fill the chapels each week. When I served a mission I remember feeling that each baptism was not 'mine'. I was shocked to see that I did nothing to convert them, nothing to change them...nothing to make them come alive. I felt, to my humbling dismay, that I was merely a spectator watching God's majesty roll forward. I may have said some broken Japanese testimony but their journey to Jesus was all their own and I was privileged to get to watch that. Nothing more. It humbled me deeply and was not what I expected...but was exactly what I needed.

Recently I listened to a podcast of a woman who had come out from a religion that had many similarities to our own. She was dutiful and passionate about her religion's message that their religion alone possessed the highest knowledge mortal man could receive and that it was up to them to save the world. As she awoke to the lies of the religion she began to see the truth in the world. She saw that there were truly honest and good people all around her and that utterly shocked her. She had always believed that everyone else was blind and her religion alone could see. 

It was overwhelming for her to witness the goodness of others around her. Here's some of what she said, "You think you're the only one doing anything because (of her religion). But then I saw that there were good people in the world that have no ulterior vested interest in helping somebody...I was shocked by the goodness of people. That I thought the world was so screwed because they weren't part of (her religion) because I thought we were the only good people in the world. It sounds so stupid and juvenile."

Then the interviewer asked her how many people were in her religion and she said the number (a relatively low number), "It gives the these big events (think general conference) they show what (the religion is doing) and they use statistics of 100's of millions....and say "we bought this building and that building"...and that would indicate growth. That's the subliminal message to you...but they are just buildings....they have to (buy property) for tax purposes and the appearance that it's growing. Because they have to offload some of this money....They believe they're the elite of mankind...that they are saving (everyone). So when you go on their website and they say they're the largest growing religion and the only religion with the solutions to life...when you make those kinds of claims...they think that everyone else is lost."

She went to therapy after leaving her religion and said (humorously) to her therapist that because of the brainwashing she received, "I just want you to know that I think I know more than you." She said that in her religion they, "...believe they have the answers and when you believe have shut yourself off to the fruits of observation to experiencing other people to opening your heart up to things. It shuts you off completely." 

I have to ask myself, do I still have that LDS savior mindset? Do you? If we do, it only serves to fill us with a pride which spirit seeks to further alienate you from the pure love of God He shares so abundantly with all of His creations.

And so it is in the world. God is doing a marvelous work and wonder among ALL those who have eyes to see and ears to hear His voice (Mark 9: 38-40). I encourage you to expand your mind beyond what God is doing in the church (or the offshoot you may be in currently) and see what God is doing in the world

One way to come out of the symbolic Plato's cave of Mormonism (and now Mormonism offshoots that have come about in the last few years) is to watch or listen to Christian testimonies (I will share a bunch of links at the end of this post). If you have experienced a mighty change of heart they will resonate. If you haven't yet experienced that yet but desire that experience, then they will inspire you. And if they seem "nice" but aren't inspiring then you're probably still of the belief that the church has all the truth and their testimonies will probably come off as strange, extreme, or unimportant.

Until you experience Jesus for yourself, it's all just inspirational and will keep you longing for the next conference, podcast, book, or speech. And that is okay, for a time. And then comes the time where you want to know for yourself if you are His and if you are saved and who really is this Savior of your soul and why does He delight in you so much. 

I truly believe that those who have real, frequent, and lasting intimacy with Jesus are the ones that can't stop desiring everyone to find a personal relationship with Him. This is why the LDS version of Jesus no longer resonates with me and is something I am trying to protect my children from. I was pretty sure our family would end up back at church at some point...that this step away was only temporary. But when we went to a wedding this summer (I blogged about earlier) and I sat at the feet of the marble Christus statue with the pre-recorded message....all the memories of the LDS church 'Jesus' came flooding back to me. And for the first time I knew there was no going back. This was not the Jesus I wanted my kids to be saturated with week after week, conference after conference, testimony after testimony. 

I encourage you to ask, seek and knock until Jesus is opened up to you. Matthew 16 is something that is very real and available to each of us personally. Jesus is asking you, right now:

Whom do men say that I 

the Son of man 


Well? What is your understanding of Jesus according to what you are taught each week. Pause here, really - and answer that!

His disciples answered Jesus saying, "Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets."

So YOU answer Him.

And then after you say what others are saying...Imagine Him asking you the most important question of your life:

But whom say ye that I am?

And if you don't have the answer yet, if you are unsure in some areas - that's okay. And that's normal. And that's part of the waking up journey is undoing all the stuff that was false and that only sought to alienate you from His presence. 

And you can tell Him that. 

And then tell Him that you want to have the same testimony as Peter who, after years of intimacy with Jesus was able to confidently declare: 

Thou art the Christ, 
the Son of the living God.

And once you gain that testimony of your Awesome, Dear, Beloved Jesus - He will bless you with the rock of revelation upon which the people of His true church will be built - and the gates of hell will not prevail against you. 

May it ever be so. Bless your journey to Him.

Using discernment for yourself, here are channels to consider subscribing to:

If you have something that you want to share, please add books, podcasts, or YouTube recommendations in the comment section below. 

Wednesday, October 23, 2024


She was beautiful, this new acquaintance of mine. We'd been neighbors for three years but every time we'd stopped by to drop off treats or apple cider they were never home. Finally we gave up trying. Then a month ago at our city celebration, we met! The husband is like a big kid - playful and up for adventure. The wife was perfectly beautiful and never stopped smiling. Their souls seem to be good souls. And so it was that last night we were at the park near our house. We were playing a family game of wiffle ball and the husband came to bring us a treat he'd made and asked if he could join in the game. I sat with his little 3 year old while she petted our dog. Soon the wife came out to see where her husband had gone and she sat and talked with me. Even as she told me about the time she was in a horrifying car accident and couldn't feel her legs for two weeks and didn't think she would ever walk again, she never stopped smiling. She just seemed like one of those souls that was happy all the time. I had a mission companion like that. She could tell me the saddest of stories and never stop smiling through it all. She was incapable of a frown.

Then, Skylin (I'll call her Skylin because it's close to her real name) told me what she likes to do in her free time. Instagram and taking photos. Clothing photos and kids clothes too. Sports. Then she asked, "What do you like to do, Ruth? What are your hobbies and interests?"

My mind flashed all the things I could say. How I blog about Jesus and things that aggravate me about the church and how my hobbies are dwindling because I am going to eight soccer games a week and piano classes and tennis matches and band volunteer stuff and how one of my kids had a bad dream that their friends found out we don't go to church and they began to punch and kick them. And how two of my closest friends died in the last few years and one in the last few months and how I'm sure if they were still here I wouldn't be so sad. And how one of my close friends has been sick for almost 8 years and I've fasted and prayed and prayed and prayed so much and she seems to only get worse. And how our sweet bus driver went in for heart surgery this summer and how she was supposed to only be in the hospital a week but weeks turned into a couple months and then she stopped responding to my texts so we went to the hospital as a family and she had forgotten the password to her phone and so we asked if we could all gather around her and hold her hands and arms and legs and each kid took a turn praying for her. The little ones cried the most and when we left I told them she'd be okay and a week later she suddenly passed away. And how they get on the bus now and there's someone new in her place and it's sad. And I saw people I loved that just told me they don't believe in Jesus anymore. And one of them told me they had a plan to take their life and what that plan was. Another who is so solid in the church said they can't do it anymore because their relative is trans but if they leave the church they'll have no support system near them and so I'm scared for that too. Or how I had three close friends in my old neighborhood but once I shared my paper with them they stopped talking to me and how I am mad at myself for oversharing. Looks like I can't seem to learn my lesson. And how when we're low on snacks and the kids tell me we need to buy more of "xy or z" and I say, "Write it on the grocery list" and then I get the grocery list and realize my kids can't spell and that's probably my fault too...And then there's the other things I can't share because it would break my heart to write.

But I looked back at her and answered, "I like to read an old Russian novel every fall." And my mind thought of the book on my couch..."The Idiot" by Dostoevsky. And I tried not to burst into tears but instead admire her perfect skin and wonder how much botox and lazer skin treatments it would take to get me to that level of shine and smooth wonder.

I miss the days when life was easy and problems were small. When I didn't know pain and loss. I know wisdom and treasures are produced from these times but it still hurts nonetheless.

Jesus - we need more of You.

I want to say that I hope one day we meet. I had a dream where I was longing for friends but ironically I was surrounded by friends. Maybe you were there? I long to gather and pray mightily with people who have an eye single to the Glory of God and none else. I linked this before but in case you missed it - it's a story of a former satanist who taught me the power of prayer. It's very unsettling to listen to but it increased my prayer life 100 fold. 

The book of Revelation teaches us about the power of prayer:

Revelation 5:

8 And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.

Revelation 8:

3 And another angel came and stood at the altar, having a golden censer; and there was given unto him much incense, that he should offer it with the prayers of all saints upon the golden altar which was before the throne.

4 And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel's hand.

Many of you reading this blog are seeking to know your standing before Jesus and the Father. You think about Them and long for Them. And what I find beautiful is that God put that hunger in your heart (John 6:44). 

When I first started on this path - as I have shared before - I was intense and continually pounding on the doors of heaven. It is my way. I struggle with passionate outbursts and intense feelings and once I knew Jesus was an option for anyone - not just the high priest once a year in the holy of holies...I went from being like the depressed Peter who'd gone fishing after the Lord died to seeing He had come just for me and I was jumping out of the boat - racing to get to the Risen Lord on the seashore. 

I want to say that these passionate seekings for the Lord are good. Beautiful even. Fastings, long prayers, big sacrifices - all powerful things. I also want to say that there is a sweet love and worship that I have come to abide in that is much more tender and deep than that which I had before. One can only live at that intensity for so long before you risk burn out or possibly turning away from the Lord. It becomes an all or nothing experience and, over time, it can weaken the heart and depress the soul. Of course one must follow the spirit and do what they feel to do. But for those who are longing for the Lord and are open to slower pace but sweeter continual worship of seeking Him - I recommend just loving Jesus. Loving Him without expectations that if I do "xy&z" it will open the heavens and then I'll get "xy&z" in return for my efforts. 

Just Love Him. 

Try talking to Him as you would a friend. Invite Him into your day and talk to Him about your heart. Think about setting an alarm of your phone to pray daily for your family and friends and enemies. Ask Him questions. And just love, love, love Him. 

The best tangible gift I can offer you (besides scriptures), is the Wild At Heart ministry and their message. One of the greatest things they have produced is their free "30 days to resilient" program. It takes 10 minutes in the morning and 10 minutes at night. We do it as a family and also alone. About two weeks into the program they challenge you to "find Jesus within". They aren't direct about what they want you to do but once I realized they were trying to help you visualize a connection with Jesus, it was so powerful. I told the kids just to invite Jesus into what they love. Visualize showing Him a favorite rock or hike or game. Anything! They have had the most amazing experiences with Him that no imagination could have thought of on their own. Last night as we were doing it as a family I saw my son showing Jesus his beloved trumpet. Jesus lovingly admired it and invited him to see His trumpets. They were wild and unearthly and He said they were the seven trumpets spoken of in Revelation. 

Yes, big devotions are admired by the heavens. And, as a friend taught me, we always have to take care that they do not become our idol. Jesus alone is worthy of our praise and adoration and sometimes we get so caught up in the end goal that we forget to stop and soak up the hike, the path, the smell, sights, and sounds He is offering us along the way. If that applies to you and your servant heart needs some tending to by the King - please consider downloading this app to your phone and trying it for 30 days. 

I am seriously tech challenged so to get it you need to go to the app store on your phone and type in "pause app" and it should be a white background with a pause sign. They have SO much good stuff there that has connected me back to the Lord and has been healing my anxious heart. I hope this is helpful.

They have also started as series for men and it is phenonmonal. It is not something you can 2x speed and listen to while you work. You can watch the first episode below. It is AWESOME.

My prayer today:

Oh Lion of Judah! 
King of Kings! 
Lord of Lords!! 
Bless these, your servants, to be lifted up as on Eagles Wings! Let them run in You and not be weary. Let them Walk in You and not faint! Let them seek You all the days of their lives and never turn from You. Though their lives have parallels to Job - let them praise You in the valleys and come to know You in the depths. You have always been there. Bless us with eyes to see and ears to hear You, oh Mighty Lord and KING. Bless them to seek the tongue of an angel to praise You with. Bless them with a glimpse of clarity. Cast off the evil one from them - he who seeks to destroy their soul and their confidence in You, Blessed One. Bless them to praise You when they don't feel You. Bless them to CLING to You and Your Goodness and Mercy. 
Teach us to pray. 
Teach us to love. 
Teach us Your Truth. 
Bless, Teach, Open, Lead, Guide, Persuade, and Love us. 
You - who are the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Bless us with friendships that we may strengthen one another in prayer and blessing and thanksgiving. Bless those we love to know You! The longing of our hearts - to Know You. Praise evermore our King, our Leader, our Shepherd, our Defender, 
The Mighty One of Israel. 
Praise forevermore!!!

I hope you like this song. Ruth being weird here: does anyone else listen to songs like this and envision a bunch of strong men dancing before the Lord? In my vision of dancing before the Lord women are always dancing but wow, I always see the strength of men in dance when I hear powerful music. Kind of like this - but praising Jesus and dancing to Him jacked on heavenly steroids. 

Elevation Worship

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Do Saving Ordinances Save?

Many years ago I served in the Young Womens in my ward. During that time I was introduced to possibly the most cheerful person I have ever met - Lexee. She was about 15 years old and she could frequently be found, smiling isn't the right description. Her mouth was typically in such an exuberant expression that it made her eyes little slits. That was Lexee. She wasn't a member of the church, but was neighbors to one of the girls in our Young Womens group who invited her to come to church.

Over the course of the next two years she and I would become very good friends. She came to me often to seek advice and for friendship. She was so bubbly yet also incredibly deep and insightful. She was seeking Truth like no other teenager that I had ever met. Lexee eventually got baptized and was so excited to be able to do baptisms for the dead. She went as soon as she could and she spoke of loving the peace and quiet in the temple. Then one day she came to me and asked if she could tell me about a dream she had about the Temple.

She said she was in the basement of the temple preparing to do baptisms for the dead when a fire broke out. The fire was intense, huge, and everywhere. The members in the basement were panicking, screaming, and running for their lives. As she burst out of the door to the main level where the lobby was, it was filled with people who were immodest, worldly, and beautiful. They were mingling with each other and laughing. Then she awoke. She asked, "What do you think that means, Sister Thompson?!!"

The interpretation I will leave up to you.

I have pondered a lot on the Temple. I may have said this elsewhere on this blog but when my husband and I were first beginning our journey to Jesus, between the two of us, we went to the Temple every single day it was open for nearly a year. We couldn't get enough - we were seeking and we believed that to seek Jesus meant that you go to the Temple at every opportunity. It was a unique time and I had very special experiences because of the sacrifice made to get up in the 4am hour to be the first at the temple before our kids got up. I also had special experiences there because I truly believed it was the only place I could have real access to God. So he met me in my ignorance and taught me. 

Before I share the crux of this post, I want to declare that I am not some inactive member who has an ax to grind about the Temple. I have found great value in the temple endowment journey and recommend this website. What I am is an inactive member who has thoughts and questions about the Temple.

About 13 years ago we remodeled our kitchen. Everything had to be torn out and a wall was knocked down to make it better fit our growing family. In the process we chose to take everything that was in the kitchen and move it downstairs in a vacant corner. At first it was an eyesore and drove me nuts. Those items weren't things we used often, but I couldn't wait to get the kitchen done and get everything properly organized.

It wasn't until a few months after our kitchen remodel was completed that my mother-in-law was visiting and she commented that she was proud of me for being able to "live with that mess downstairs" and was proud that, "it wasn't bothering" me.

Now, before you think my husbands mother was making a passive-aggressive comment to her daughter-in-law, let me dispel that stereotype immediately. She wasn't. She knew my need for order and was genuinely proud of me for, "letting it all hang out" as it were. The only problem was - I wasn't doing it intentionally nor had I "overcome" my need for neatness. I had simply blocked out that corner of my house in my mind - even though I had to pass it multiple times a day! It wasn't until she said that comment that my "eyes were opened" and I did see.

What I'm going to post today has been staring us members in the face for so long, we have blocked it out. Like my mother-in-law did for me, I want to say that we have something that needs our attention in the scriptures - it is time look where we have previously ignored.

D&C 137 is a revelation that was given to Joseph Smith in 1836. Let us read:

1 The heavens were opened upon us, and I beheld the celestial kingdom of God, and the glory thereof, whether in the body or out I cannot tell.

2 I saw the transcendent beauty of the gate through which the heirs of that kingdom will enter, which was like unto circling flames of fire;

3 Also the blazing throne of God, whereon was seated the Father and the Son.

4 I saw the beautiful streets of that kingdom, which had the appearance of being paved with gold.

5 I saw Father Adam and Abraham; and my father and my mother; my brother Alvin, that has long since slept;
6 And marveled how it was that he had obtained an inheritance in that kingdom, seeing that he had departed this life before the Lord had set his hand to gather Israel the second time, and had not been baptized for the remission of sins.

7 Thus came the voice of the Lord unto me, saying: All who have died without a knowledge of this gospel, who would have received it if they had been permitted to tarry, shall be heirs of the celestial kingdom of God;

8 Also all that shall die henceforth without a knowledge of it, who would have received it with all their hearts, shall be heirs of that kingdom;

9 For I, the Lord, will judge all men according to their works, according to the desire of their hearts.

10 And I also beheld that all children who die before they arrive at the years of accountability are saved in the celestial kingdom of heaven.


This vision became D&C 137 which was the last chapter in our Doctrine and Covenants.

I should say, D&C 137 was the last chapter....until Joseph F. Smith, in the October 4th, 1918 General Conference, said that he had received a vision of the spirits of the dead the day prior. Three weeks later Joseph F. Smith's vision (along with other 'divine communications' he received) were voted on by the First Presidency, the Council of the Twelve, and the Patriarch. The visions were unanimously accepted to become D&C 138.

Coincidentally no church president (besides Joseph Smith) has ever offered any other dreams or visions to be accepted as scripture either before or after this experience from Joseph F. Smith.

Because Joseph's vision which became Doctrine and Covenants 137 had already been accepted by the members for decades and because it revealed that temple work was unnecessary, I wasn't surprised to see that the next and now final chapter of the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C 138) would need to be Joseph F. Smith's vision of....Drumroll please:

The importance of Temple work and Temple ordinances.

After General Conference last week I had a friend reach out and text me a link to President Nelson's latest General Conference talk. This friend isn't, in my opinion, a super 'spiritual person'. When they encouraged me to read the talk and said they, "felt electrified" by his words and that the end was nigh - my interest was piqued.

These lines summarized, in my opinion, President Nelson's agenda for his talk:
"Why are we building temples at such an unprecedented pace? Why? Because the Lord has instructed us to do so. The blessings of the temple help to gather Israel on both sides of the veil. These blessings also help to prepare a people who will help prepare the world for the Second Coming of the Lord!"
I forget, won't we have an entire millennium to get temple work for the dead done? But we gotta hasten, hasten, hasten to add that single drop in the bucket of dead works.

Here was President Nelson's piece de resistance line:
"Here is my promise to you: Every sincere seeker of Jesus Christ will find Him in the temple."
Translation: Pay your dues (tithing) so that you can go find Jesus in the only place you can truly find a temple made with hands.
Verily, thus saith the Lord: It shall come to pass that every soul who forsaketh his sins and cometh unto me , and calleth on my name, and obeyeth my voice, and keepeth my commandments, shall see my face and know that I am.
— D&C 93:1

Below has been written elsewhere but I'll copy and paste it again:  

The carnal view sees the temple as outward and literal. Just like Nicodemus thought Jesus meant he needed to literally go back into his mother's womb and be born again, the carnal man works from the outside in. They look for things outside of themselves and try to improve their environment, thinking it will bring happiness. They feel that outward saving ordinances and performances, like those done in temples, must be of the utmost importance over everything else.

The spiritual perspective realizes that the inner cup (their soul) is to be cleansed first, then all things will be added. They understand that all ordinances are only outward symbols of what should have already occurred within themselves.

The carnal man emphasizes the beauty and purpose of the temple building. They speak of the temple often, surround themselves with images of it—on pictures, calendars, wall art, jewelry, etc—and make it a point to visit the grounds with their young children, or to visit as many different temples as they can.

The spiritual person realizes that the temple building is no more than a symbol of themselves and that they are a walking temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16). The spiritual person realizes that God can create a building much more grand than the the best built by human hands, but to create a Son or Daughter of God is much more difficult. THIS is the work of creation! This is the Glory of "the Fathers". The spiritual person respects the building but sees it as a symbol of themselves and does not revere it excessively. The spiritual man or woman is a temple that is built without hands.

To the carnal man, the temple takes on an undue importance that overshadows other things. They see it as an important place that they must go so they can check off their list of saving ordinances. They attend regularly to do work for their kindred dead and believe their salvation is tied to the attending of the temple.

The spiritual man understands the temple's place in their spiritual journey and keeps it in proper perspective. They understand that they themselves are found among the (spiritually) dead and that the work they do in the temple is more for their own benefit than for their ancestors. They know their salvation is only found in Jesus Christ and Jesus Christ alone.

The carnal person sees the creation parable in the endowment as nothing more than a historical account of the creation of the earth and how man and woman came to be. They see the fall of man as a event caused by literally eating from a prohibited fruit tree in the Garden of Eden. They see the way back to God as all the things that they must DO rather than what they must BE.

The spiritual individual realizes that all that is taught in the endowment is about them. They realize that they are "the man, Adam" spoken of in the creation story. On a deeper level of understanding, they see that they are comprised of a body, mind, and spirit (a holy trinity) and that Adam represents the Spirit and Eve represents the Body. They understand why Eve must be subject to Adam, because the body must be subject to the spirit, otherwise there is death (Mosiah 3:19). They understand that God is part of this trinity and that they (Adam; the spirit) can hear His voice if they will just pay attention and listen.

The carnal individual perceives the signs and tokens given in the endowment as grand secrets that are only given to the elect of God and feel that because they have received the signs and tokens, they are one of these elect. They believe there are things they must DO in order to reach the Celestial kingdom after they die. They think that they must protect the signs and tokens from being divulged on the peril of their own life because it is the mere knowledge of these secret signs and tokens which will allow one to pass by the angels and gain entrance into heaven.

The spiritual person realizes the signs and tokens have a deep spiritual meaning and that they are a mirror of what they should BE. They realize the mere knowledge of them exalts no one. They know that their own state of being and their relationship to God is what is symbolized by the tokens.

The carnal person lives in fear. They believe that when times get tough, they can save themselves by their external preparations (e.g. food storage), but are always fearful (and rightfully so) that they have not prepared enough. They suspect the "holy place" spoken of by Jesus (Matthew 24:15) means a place in the temple (building).

The spiritual person lives by faith and finds that perfect faith casts out all fear. They know that true peace comes from their relationship with God and the "holy place" spoken of is their own heart. They do not fear what happens externally, because they know that whatever happens will be for their own profit and learning. They take no thought for the morrow, but rely totally on God (Matthew 6:25-34).

The carnal person is "ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" (2 Timothy 3:7). The carnal individual is always searching for heaven but never seems to be able to find it. They are confused when others cry, "Lo is the kingdom of heaven!" They choose one of the "strange roads" (1 Nephi 8:32) and become convinced that the way they have chosen is the correct one and that all others are in error. They trust in the arm of flesh (2 Nephi 4:34) and never find heaven because they are looking in the wrong place.

The spiritual person realizes that the creation parable teaches them that the new earth over which Adam is given dominion symbolizes their own physical body. They realize that they have been given dominion to overcome the "lusts of the flesh" and make their world (body) a celestial abode—a heaven on earth inside themselves. When others cry "Lo here," they are unmoved, for they do not externally seek for the kingdom of God. They realize the Kingdom of God is found within (Luke 17:21).

The carnal person thinks that life is a test and has a destination. They are seldom truly happy or joyful because of the stressful thoughts that arise from their own potential failure of the test or not knowing if they will truly arrive at the set destination.

The spiritual person knows that being redeemed from the fall and exercising great faith like the Brother of Jared is the destination. (Ether 12:19-22)

Thursday, September 12, 2024

The flesh is indeed willing, but the spirit is weak

I was reading in the LDS Living magazine, "How to add names to the temple prayer roll online". I hadn't thought about the prayer roll until my husband broke his leg a few months ago and my neighbors said that, "many people would be praying for" him because they put his name on the prayer roll. All those prayer roll memories came flooding back. That little box near the entrance of the dressing rooms where you could pause and write down all those people you wanted to pray for...I used to write names every single time I went to the temple. People I hoped would come back to church, get off of drugs, overcome their temptations, etc. I never stopped to consider - does writing names on a slip of paper and putting it on an altar and someone saying to bless all those people in that little white bag actually work? There is no way to measure it so the answer is unknown.

I do wonder - where is writing names on a paper and laying it on an altar scriptural? In my understanding - you crying out in prayer and your heart on the altar is the sacrifice that opens the heavens. Have we have strayed so far from Him that we believe this is part of the true order of prayer?

People I rarely remembered to pray for on a daily basis somehow were remembered and easily written down when I was at that booth. Never-mind that I did not think much about them again (until the next time I was at the prayer roll box). Yes, there were names I put on there that I did pray for semi-frequently. But by and large I put a lot of names on there that I didn't spend much time in prayer and fasting for on my own. Maybe you are different and that is a gift if that is the case. My experience in the church was that I was very much focused on the outward appearance and my inward vessel was often empty, though I didn't know it was empty and hollow at the time. It takes time to realize that you are a hypocrite. "Lord, is it I?" had to become my mantra before I could see rightly. And yes, it was I. I drew near unto Him with my lips but my heart was set upon the church and outward tangible things while the inward was left unattended to.

If you are still writing names on the prayer roll, I want to encourage you to instead spend an hour on your knees in your quiet place in prayer for this person. Fast for them. And do it again and again - fast and pray. See if this person you've been writing on the prayer roll for years has a shift. Ask God if He is still the God of miracles (Mormon 9:11) and then ask for one. We watched a movie about prayer that was so inspiring. It is called, "The War Room" and you can rent it on Amazon. I highly recommend as it can teach about things you may have never considered when it comes to prayer.

I was watching a documentary on India and did you know they have a temple entirely dedicated to rats? They feed the rats delicious fresh food and give them milk to drink. They believe the rats, known as "kabbas" or "little children" are sacred and are believed to be reincarnated descendants they must care for.

After watching this documentary I became frustrated primarily because I had just finished a documentary about Mother Theresa and saw the suffering of the people of India and how much opposition she faced trying to get the people of that country to help their own sick and dying. And yet - the rats, they are so important. Treat them well and your next life will be good. The beggar on the street...pffft - pass them by with no repercussions. I realized with shame that it was all too familiar to me.

Are we in the church doing the same? Packing multimillion dollar temples with patrons - encouraging them to do things for their "kabbas"/ancestors while the poor and the hungry are passed by? Must we have a $150+ billion dollars only to build more sanctuaries for the dead? And not even just build more - to give a facelift to the Provo, Ogden, St. George and other temples?

Can you imagine if the thousands who attend the Temple each day went to provide service to their community for that amount of time instead? What would the world be like with such an army of true Saints!! "But Ruth! People must get their salvation! If we don't do it they will go to a lower kingdom!"

Blasphemy. Salvation was purchased at Gesthemane and the Cross. We mock the atonement of Christ when we say that it is up to us to offer salvation for the dead. Joseph never taught this. You can look all you like and you won't find him teaching to do all this temple work for the dead.  
32 But behold, it sorroweth me because of the fourth generation from this generation, for they are led away captive by him even as was the son of perdition; for they will sell me for silver and for gold, and for that which moth doth corrupt and which thieves can break through and steal. And in that day will I visit them, even in turning their works upon their own heads.

33 And it came to pass that when Jesus had ended these sayings he said unto his disciples: Enter ye in at the strait gate; for strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it; but wide is the gate, and broad the way which leads to death, and many there be that travel therein, until the night cometh, wherein no man can work. (3 Nephi 27)
14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (2 Chronicles 7)
I got this from the Owl of the Desert blog: 

​The reason that faith is dwindling in the Church (among others) is because we have replaced the gospel of Jesus Christ with a neo-temple-theology. 

The problem, you see, with temple-theologies is that they are deleterious to a living faith. Remember the veil of the temple in Jerusalem that was rent in twain at Christ's death? Why have we stitched it back together with silver thread, placing it under lock-and-seal so that now we must depend upon those with priesthood "keys" rather than upon Christ?

Earlier this month in General Conference, President Nelson gave a talk titled, "Rejoice in the Gift of Priesthood Keys" (I wish I were making this up). Not "Rejoice in Jesus Christ" ― you know, as Nephi told us to (2 Nephi 25:26). Nope. Rejoice in the authority given unto men.

President Nelson said, "Priesthood keys give us the authority to extend all of the blessings promised to Abraham to every covenant-keeping man and woman.... Time in the temple will help you to think celestial and to catch a vision of who you really are, who you can become, and the kind of life you can have forever." (April 2024 General Conference).

Janey on Wheat and Tares 

"Think Celestial? The hymn Have I Done Any Good in the World Today? admonishes us to 'wake up' and stop focusing on our celestial reward and instead to look at the chances to do good that are all around us in this world. In President Nelson’s talk 'Think Celestial!' there is not one word about reaching out to help other people."

A commenter on reddit wrote, "My parents are temple workers. They would rather spend time 'working' in the temple than spend time with their grandchildren. This is a fact."

A person responded, "Working in the temple is certainly a lot easier than dealing with the hungry, the naked, and the prisoners that Jesus mentioned."

We worship the God of the living! A temple-theology should not eclipse the telestial-work God has called us to do.

To paraphrase Jesus, "Let the dead baptize their dead" (Luke 9:60).*

Over 2,000 years ago Jesus taught of a New Commandment:

John 13:34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Thanks to modern revelation, Sister Nelson 1:1 has taught a new type of commandment: that ye love President Nelson, as he deserves our love, that ye also follow and do what he says.

I am going to include a talk given by Sister Nelson in Europe about a year and a half ago. As you listen to this talk ask yourself, do you feel like you know Jesus Christ better? Does this talk help you to have more faith in Jesus? Or do you know President Nelson better and more faith in his goodness?

In this talk, she tells the story of the Emperor with no clothes. The big point of that fable is that no one but the child spoke the truth because everyone else was too busy stroking the Emperor’s ego. She then proceeds to stroke her husband’s ego for the entire talk. It is a day of deep sorrow when those in leadership declare that the naked emperor has clothes i.e. that a prophet who doesn't prophecy is a prophet. A seer who doesn't see is a seer. A revelator who doesn't reveal is revelator...

Sister Wendy Nelson 
LDS European region devotional 


Okay, I just checked this link and it has been pulled down again. I don't know why they are pulling down this devotional and only allowing "summaries" to be posted by the church newsroom but nevertheless, so it is. If anyone here is tech savvy, could you post a link in the comments below? 

I will give the transcript of her talk here:
Our dear brothers and sisters of Europe, how we love you. From Sweden to Austria, from Romania to Whales, we have loved meeting with so many of you over the years. You are in our hearts forever. All the lands you Europe call to us, not just the ones we have visited nor only the lands of our ancestors, which for me includes Switzerland, Scotland, and England. Rather every land in this grand Europe area--which I'm told includes 48 countries--beckons us. No doubt it is because the blood of Israel is there. How grateful we are to be with Elder and Sister Bednar, whom we love.

Today I'd like to talk with you in Europe about truth and prophets. In the literary folktale The Emperor's New Clothes by Danish author Hans Christian Andersen, swindlers convince the emperor that the new attire that they made for him is of the most exquisite pattern, material, and colors. They emphasize that anyone who cannot see the extraordinary clothing is unworthy of his office or simply stupid. Everyone is duped by the charlatans, even the emperor's most trusted officials. All the townspeople join in the chorus telling the emperor how magnificent he looks as he proudly parades in front of them. No one wants to be thought of as stupid. However, one child boldly proclaims, 'The emperor has no clothes on!'. And that was the truth.
Today it can be difficult to know who speaks the truth. But my testimony is that prophets of god always speak the truth. While many in the world's great and spacious building convincingly profess that evil is good and good is evil, prophets speak the truth. While many tout and even celebrate new approaches to and rationale for breaking god's commandments, prophets speak the truth.

One of the distinctive features of the savior's restored church is the presence of prophets. Today we sustain 15 men in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints as prophets, seers, and revelators. We are blessed in this devotional to be taught by two of these prophets.

Prophets are called by the Lord to do difficult things, to speak unpopular things, not 'smooth things', as Isaiah wrote. The Lord's prophets can see things we can't see and can hear things that we cannot. The Lord speaks to his prophets, instructing them what to say and do that will bless and protect all of god's children. Therefore, as we choose to follow the prophets, we will be blessed spiritually and temporally.

The media, social and otherwise, is filled to overflowing with ideas that are contrary to the teachings of prophets. In fact, so much that is offered as truth is just silly, much like the emperor's new clothes. However, prophets help us discern specious notions as well as their intentions to trap us--trip us up--and basically wreck our lives.
So how can we protect ourselves amid the war of words that rages all around us? I suggest we compare anything and everything we read, view, or hear with the teachings of the prophets. If it isn't in harmony, we should run away. The question we can use as a litmus test to discern truth from error and to help us with a multitude of our personal dilemmas, decisions, and questions, is 'what do the prophets say?'.

Let's start there. Let's use prophetic words as our standard of truth. For this new year, let's put an exclamation mark after every statement from a prophet, and a question mark after everything else we read, see, or hear.

Would you like to try that with me for 30 days and see what happens to your heart and mind? You may notice a decrease in the amount of stress you feel as you're able to see through the false philosophies of men that produce a kind of tension and anxiety that can almost immobilize us. What would happen to your level of peace, clarity of thinking, joy, experience of love, and spiritual prosperity if, for 30 days, you started to question everything the world's media and all other sources offer you, and instead prayerfully study, fully embrace, and lived by every prophetic teaching you could find?
What would happen in only 30 days if you chose to follow the prophets with exactness? The prophets testify of Christ. Their sole desire is to help us find and stay on the covenant path that leads back to him and our Heavenly Father.

Now, if we had lived in the days of Nephi, we would have followed him. Not necessarily back to Jerusalem to retrieve the brass plates, but by doing whatever difficult thing the Lord asked us to do. If we had lived in the days of the prophet Abinadi, we would have followed him. Not necessarily into wicked king Noah's court, but by boldly speaking up about those things we know to be true.

And now, how will your life be blessed as you choose to follow president Russel M. Nelson, the prophet of god on the earth today? Who for four years has lead the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints under the direction of Jesus Christ himself? I'm grateful that my husband is the kind of man who many years before he was called to be an apostle said, "I never ask myself, 'When does the prophet speak as a prophet and when does he not?' My interest has been, 'How can I be more like him?'".

As his wife, may I offer you many examples of President Nelson's life that you may want to emulate?
Number one, he is attentive and alert. Wherever we are, he is always leaning forward to listen to what is being said or sung. This is not to compensate for a hearing problem, he hears just fine. It is an issue with his heart. He wants to take in even more of what is being said. He wants to see, and to feel, more. Because of his attentiveness, it takes a long time for us to enter or exit an event.

Along with his eternal perspective, President Nelson seems to have a wide angle lens as well as a zoom lens on his eyes to see those in need. So as we exit a meeting large or small he will frequently say, "Who's in the wheelchair?", or, "We need to greet that young man." (usually one that looks out of place in a chapel). Or he'll tenderly say, "Oh, there's a little girl." He is irresistibly drawn to little children.
Number two: he is in awe of the laws of god. As he seeks to know and understand more of god's laws, he is in awe of them. And he honors god's laws by being obedient to them. He is enthused by the dependable connection between keeping god's laws and receiving god's blessings. As together my husband and I read from the Book of Mormon every day, we marvel at the many times the Lord's promise is repeated: "If ye keep my commandments ye shall prosper in the land."

President Nelson thrills to think of the eternal laws that govern everything from galaxies to the human body. And he has always been eager to learn more. Decades ago, to help him in his professional work as a physician and a medical researcher, he worked tirelessly to discover the laws that govern the beating heart. He was inspired by the scripture, "There is a law irrevocably decreed in heaven before the foundations of this world, upon which all blessings are predicated. And when we obtain any blessing from god, it is by obedience to that law upon which it is predicated."
So, are there blessings that the Lord has in store for you that would be yours if you lived certain laws of god with exactness?

Number three: President Nelson finds joy in serving others. For the first twelve years of our marriage, we lived at an elevation higher than Salt Lake City, and in the winter it snowed a lot. We often measured the accumulation by feet! I well remember the Sunday when a brother in our ward came ashen-faced to me and said, "Oh Sister Nelson, we're so embarrassed. We just learned that Elder Nelson does his own snow removal."
I thanked him for his concern and added with a grin, "If you really want to help him, clear the neighbor's walks." Because after each storm, my husband would bundle up and spend hours removing the snow from all the sidewalks in our neighborhood. Also, each Monday throughout the year after garbage pickup, he would roll each neighbor's large garbage bins from the road back up to their home. Some people had more than two bins! Some had long, sloping driveways. His simple but consistent neighborly gestures softened the heart of one woman who had spent decades showing, in word and in deed, that she was committed to not liking Latter-day Saints. Then, one Christmas, she left a loving note and a handmade item on our porch to thank him.

Number four: President Nelson knows that the Lord loves effort. Therefore, he requires it of himself and admires it in others. He admires those who pay the price to accomplish something difficult, including those who, due to chronic or life-threatening illnesses, have to work diligently with their health routine just to stay alive. Those who diligently search scriptures to their sincere questions. Those who vigorously work with the Lord and, when appropriate, their priesthood leaders to overcome weaknesses, increase their self-mastery, and truly repent of their sins so they can receive all the blessings god has for them. And he admires those who rigorously wrestle with a problem, generating possible solutions before approaching someone else for help.
President Nelson celebrates excellence and will often say, "I love watching an expert at work." When a service professional comes to our home, President Nelson cannot restrain himself from leaning into their field of operation to observe their work. While the plumber, electrician, or computer specialist may think President Nelson is adjudicating their work, he is actually celebrating their skills and efforts.

Number five: President Nelson never delays. He never puts off anything. I learned this early in our marriage when, as we would be drifting off to sleep, I would think of something I needed his help with, and softly mention it as something we might do on the weekend. "What's wrong with right now?" would be his enthusiastic response. And suddenly we would be in the garage, looking for a hammer and nail to hang a picture.
Therefore, it's no surprise to me that in the last four years, a multitude of important adjustments have been made to church policies and procedures. "What's wrong with now?" is his response when he knows that an adjustment in policy or procedure is the Lord's will. He often says, "I'm on call 24 hours a day with the Lord", and he is quick to respond to the Lord's instructions. Therefore, when people thank him for an adjustment that blessed their lives, he turns to me after they walk away and says, "I was only following instructions from the Lord. I do know how to follow instructions."

Oh, I could tell you so many more inspiring glimpses into President Nelson's heart, including his devotion to avoid contention. His joy as he includes his brethren in temple dedications. His respect for the power of words, which he carefully uses to love and lift others. And his insatiable focus on the future. He is always looking forward, and he is always looking up.
Now, where will following the prophets lead you? As you follow the prophets, your love for Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ will grow, as will your desire to keep your covenants with them. Your ability to discern between what is true and what is not will increase. You will long to be in the temple more than ever before because you love whose house it is and who teaches you supernal truths there.

My dear brothers and sisters of Europe, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is the Lord's church. It is called by his name because it is his church. Everything in his church belongs to Jesus Christ. Covenants and ordinances are his. Priesthood power is his power. And the prophets are his prophets. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
In this talk I can't help but see the leadership worship eclipsing even that of, well...

I ask you - did her talk nourish your soul? Did it fill that ache inside that longs for Jesus and for the Eternal? 

Did Emma ever speak this way of Joseph? Did Joseph ever paint himself as anything other than an imperfect man? How many times can we read D&C and find the lord chastening Joseph or other members? But do we ever hear of the apostles and prophets of our day being chastened by the Lord? All we are told is to never criticize them because that is "evil speaking of the Lord's anointed". Have we strayed so far from Him that we no longer know who "the Lord's Anointed" is?

Anyone that knows Jesus personally would never speak of a prophet in this way. They wouldn't speak of the prophet at all! Their gaze would be locked firm and steadfast on He who is the Author of Salvation.

No one that is a true prophet of God would allow someone to speak of them this way.

No one that has stood in the presence of their Lord and their God would allow anyone to call them good.

There is only one good and that is God. (Mark 10:18)

D&C 76:61 Wherefore, let no man glory in man, but rather let him glory in God, who shall subdue all enemies under his feet.

Matthew 15: 8 This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoureth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. 9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.

John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

Matthew 22:36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment.

Matthew 16:13 When Jesus came into the coasts of Caesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I the Son of man am? 14 And they said, Some say that thou art John the Baptist: some, Elias; and others, Jeremias, or one of the prophets. 15 He saith unto them, But whom say ye that I am? 16 And Simon Peter answered and said, Thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. 17 And Jesus answered and said unto him, Blessed art thou, Simon Barjona: for flesh and blood hath not revealed it unto thee, but my Father which is in heaven.

Pray the Father, which is in heaven, will reveal Him unto you.  Those that seek the Lord with all their hearts WILL find Him. And to those that have found Him, as Evelyn Underhill has said, they don't find him because God loves them more...they find Him because those that earnestly seek Him, "loved and attended to Him more." 

Love and attend to Him more.

Imagine Jesus singing this song just to you:

Scott Matthew, "Annie's Song"