President Nelson has captured my curiosity these last few years. When he was called as President of the Church in 2018, there seemed to be a dramatic shift in the church. I have never, in my life, heard more people say that they received a strong witness he was a prophet of God. Because of the many testimonies that came our way, my husband and I spent many hours in prayer and many days in fasting to receive an answer from the Lord concerning President Nelson. After time, and much battle in prayer, we received an answer. When I shared with someone close to me about the spiritual battle we experienced as we prayed for an answer, they chastised me saying that it seemed like a lot of darkness and therefore the answer that came after the battle couldn't be trusted. I'm not always the best at verbal confrontations - I tend to think of the perfect response a couple days later. So I failed with saying anything and just sat there silently looking at the floor. Looking back now, I wish I'd have mentioned Joseph Smith in the grove. He sure battled something dark that day.
I think it's valuable to try to understand President Nelson's character and it is important to look beyond what he says publicly and look to what he does.
President Nelson wrote his autobiography, From Heart to Heart, back in 1979 before he became an apostle in 1984. A copy of the book is over $2,000 (link). Fortunately for us, the BareRecord blogger was able to procure a copy and take some photos.
If I was going to assess a person's core personality, one primary way would be to pay attention to how they talk about themselves. Lucky for us, we can do that with President Nelson. Here is the foreword President Nelson wrote himself to his autobiography:
This book, the engaging record of the life and experiences of Russell Marion Nelson, is a fulfillment of a great dream. In these pages he has set forth a chronicle of his noble parentage and crystallized the many experiences of himself and his adorable family. This work will bring joy and peace and happiness to its readers.
The first time I saw the Nelson family was at a stake conference meeting in 1964. Eight daughters were singing a song, accompanied by their mother, Dantzel. I was amazed and pleased, and I thought, “What a perfect family! What beautiful parents! And what delightful children to grow up in one household.” I have known them from that time forward, and now there are nine daughters and one son. Brother Nelson has always been a family man first, and now all his family unite to bring him honor.
I owe much to him as a doctor. It was in 1971 in England that I first spoke to him of my heart problems. When we returned to the United States, investigation showed that I had problems with a deteriorating valve in my heart and an obstruction in an artery. I felt my life slipping away, and I wondered if perhaps the time had come for a younger man to enter the Quorum of the Twelve and do the work I could no longer do. But at the inspired insistence of President Harold B. Lee, I was prompted to press on. Therefore, my life was placed in the hands of this young doctor, in whom we noted a sweet Spirituality. Because of his skill as a surgeon—one who trusts in the power of the priesthood and relies on the Spirit of the Lord—my life was spared, even though the risks were very great for a man of my seventy-seven years.
We became close as I recovered from the open-heart surgery that he performed perfectly. Whenever I became discouraged, there was always his sweet, understanding spirit to buoy me up.
Then President Lee died in December 1973. We never thought it could happen, for he was younger than I and seemingly in good health; therefore, we were all taken by surprise. Brother Nelson, of his own accord, came to my side immediately in case he should be needed. I appreciated his thoughtfulness very much...
It pleases me very much to note that he has done a superb work in assembling the information to bring this book into existence...It seems to me that it has been done beautifully and without flaw. Long will his children and their posterity honor this great man, and long will they remember that he followed the precepts of his Lord through his prophets...
President Spencer W. Kimball Salt Lake City, Utah March 1979
Now I know what you're thinking - it says President Kimball wrote it. But that isn't so. 1. Ask yourself if this even remotely sounds like the way President Kimball ever spoke or wrote. 2. The photo below shows President Kimball's journal entry about Russell M. Nelson's autobiography. The addition to the journal was added by President Kimball's son. "Fulsome" means excessive, overdone, or gross flattery to an excessive degree. Fulsome, in this instance, couldn't have been used more appropriately.
For those who don't know much about the Skull and Bones, it is also referred to as The Order or The Brotherhood of Death. It began as an undergraduate senior secret student society at Yale University. There are only two chapters of this secret society in the United States. The one at Yale University. and the other is at the University of Utah. Since the organization is extremely secretive, not much can be talked about. A few things we do know are that the building that they meet in is called The Tomb. The Skull and Bones's membership developed a reputation with the "power elite."
Christian graves in churchyards were traditionally aligned on an east to west axis. The coffins were placed with the head of the person at the west end of the grave and the foot at the east. This is because they believe in the second coming of Christ and scripture teaches that he will come from the east. In this manner, they place their dead in a position so they can meet Christ face-to-face during his second coming. The gravestone with name also faced east. It is interesting that President Nelson chose to have his grave facing south.
He loves a construction legacy:
“This is the saddest thing I've ever seen, for Latter-day Saint heritage -- they basically decapitated, gutted, jacked up, and removed from its foundation -- one of America's most-iconic, most-recognizable, most-historic, and most-sacred structures. They put the interior through a wood-chipper. Almost nothing of the original exists now except that the granite is being re-used on the outside of an all-new steel and concrete building. I'm not diminishing the importance of a new temple to the living and dead members. I know that many people find joy in newness, and spiritual gratitude from more ordinances per day. But this is like shredding an 1830 original first edition Book of Mormon, to use the paper pulp to print a new replica, because the newly-printed Book of Mormon might convert a tourist. The old copy would have converted more. The theologians and marketers have their reasons, but legitimate historians should be horrified. I'm a Mormon material culture historian, not a theologian, in this context...I'm also a libertarian who thinks property owners have an ethical right to wreck their own historic property, as they did. But there are other moral stakeholders in a community, too. What in incalculable loss to the whole church, community, city, and country, and the pioneers, due to high-technology owners who do not seem to value preservation, architecture, or history. John Hajicek (Jan 25, 2023):President Nelson had a special video made about his deconstruction temple project and showed it at the October 2021 General Conference. In the video he said, “The foundation of any building, particularly one as large as this one, must be strong and resilient enough to withstand earthquakes, corrosion, high winds and the inevitable settling that affects all buildings. The complex task of strengthening now underway will reinforce this sacred temple with the foundation that can and will stand the test of time.” He also said, "My dear brothers and sisters, when renovations on the Salt Lake Temple are completed, there will be no safer place during an earthquake in the Salt Lake Valley than inside that temple."
24 Behold, vengeance cometh speedily upon the inhabitants of the earth, a day of wrath, a day of burning, a day of desolation, of weeping, of mourning, and of lamentation; and as a whirlwind it shall come upon all the face of the earth, saith the Lord.
25 And upon my house shall it begin, and from my house shall it go forth, saith the Lord;
26 First among those among you, saith the Lord, who have professed to know my name and have not known me, and have blasphemed against me in the midst of my house, saith the Lord. (D&C 112)
5 And they deny the power of God, the Holy One of Israel; and they say unto the people: Hearken unto us, and hear ye our precept; for behold there is no God today, for the Lord and the Redeemer hath done his work, and he hath given his power unto men;
6 Behold, hearken ye unto my precept; if they shall say there is a miracle wrought by the hand of the Lord, believe it not; for this day he is not a God of miracles; he hath done his work. (2 Nephi 28)
I can't help but wonder if the deconstruction of the iconic Salt Lake Temple, which has often been a symbol to represent the LDS church, is actually a physical symbol of where the church is at spiritually. The structure contains some of the original parts but on the whole it has been torn apart and re-vamped into a structure that was engineered by "experts". President Nelson has put down the power of God in this one act. God has given His power to men and men say..."construction, engineering, and experts will solve this problem."
No safer place in the Salt Lake Valley except inside that temple?! Forget spiritual protection, which is far more important than the physical. "No... live thyself nearer to me...(the Salt Lake Temple once construction ends in 2025) and attend often. There is no safer place to be..."
Helaman 5:12
"And now, my sons, remember, remember that it is upon the rock of our Redeemer, who is Christ, the Son of God, that ye must build your foundation; that when the devil shall send forth his mighty winds, yea, his shafts in the whirlwind, yea, when all his hail and his mighty storm shall beat upon you, it shall have no power over you to drag you down to the gulf of misery and endless wo, because of the rock upon which ye are built, which is a sure foundation, a foundation whereon if men build they cannot fall."
He's rejected the Corner Stone:
Traditionally Temples have always had a cornerstone dedication before they begin construction. President Nelson has done away with this ceremony citing that, "Construction techniques have advanced...cornerstones are no longer...part of temple dedications." Jacob said the Jews would reject their Corner Stone (Jesus) and we LDS are so like the Jews. We too believe we are the chosen ones and can not be moved from our place like all those in the past who were chosen and then fell. We are immune. Jacob said, "...they will reject the stone upon which they might build and have safe is it possible that these, after having rejected the sure foundation, can ever build upon it, that it may become the head of their corner?" (Jacob 4:15-17) Blogger Bare Record said it best when he expounded on this corner stone removal: Bare Record Link
“I have seen him changing in the last ten months,” said Sister Nelson. “It is as though he's been unleashed. He's free to finally do what he came to earth to do. … And also, he's free to follow through with things he's been concerned about but could never do. Now that he's president of [the Church], he can do those things.” (link)
A few years ago President Russel M Nelson and his wife Wendy spoke at a special meeting for all those who live in Europe. Sister Wendy spoke first. She shared the famous story about the Emperor's New Clothes and the importance of following her husband, the Prophet.
"Today I’d like to talk with you in Europe about truth and prophets. In the literary folk tale the emperor's new clothes by Danish author Hans Christian Anderson, swindlers convinced the emperor that the new attire they made for him is of the most exquisite pattern, material, and colors. They emphasize that anyone who cannot see the extraordinary clothing is unworthy of his office or simply stupid. Everyone is duped by the charlatans even the emperor's most trusted officials. All the town's people join in the chorus telling the emperor how magnificent he looks as he proudly parades in front of them. No one wants to be thought of as stupid. However, one child boldly proclaims the emperor has no clothes on and that was the truth. Today it can be difficult to know who speaks the truth, but my testimony is that prophets of god always speak the truth. While many in the world's great and spacious building convincingly profess that evil is good and good is evil. Prophets speak the truth....
"And now how will your life be blessed as you choose to follow President Russell M Nelson the prophet of god on the earth today who for four years has led The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints under the direction of Jesus Christ himself. I’m grateful that my husband is the kind of man who many years before he was called to be an apostle said quote, “I never ask myself when does the prophet speak as a prophet and when does he not. My interest has been how can I be more like him” end quote. As his wife, may I offer you several examples of President Nelson's life that you may want to emulate."'
Neglecting the poor
The abuse of children
Denying truth that comes from God.
Not confessing His Hand in all things
Obeying not his commandments.
And don't forget to add this new one that offends Jesus:
FDA reveals long list of serious health conditions that may result from Covid-19 vaccinations, including death
Whether Mormons in China will be able to get nearer to that presence remains to be seen. In a statement issued two days after the Church’s announcement, the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Ethnic and Religious Affairs said that “according to the relevant laws and regulations of China, foreigners are not allowed to set up religious organizations or venues for religious activities in China.”
The bureau denied any knowledge of plans for a temple in Shanghai, saying they were the “wishful thinking of the Mormon Church in the United States.”
He was too ill to attend the October 2023 General Conference but when it came time to announce 20 new temples, he rallied for the occasion with a video of himself announcing them! None of his Apostles were given the opportunity as he will have announced more temples than any other President of the Church! Link here.
Well done! A very well written post. I am familiar with that wave of exhaustion when writing something important, as this was. Thank you for muscling through.
ReplyDeleteThere is also the issue of him becoming a member of Skull and Bones which he tells in his own words in his autobiography. There are some real problems with the whole picture. I know Joseph Smith was a prophet of God but what happened when Joseph and Hyrum were killed is what needs to be investigated. Why did only 40% of the churches membership follow Brigham Young west? Why did Emma not follow B.Y.? Why was polygamy ok with God in the early church but was never ok in the history of the world? Why did Joseph make the statement just days before he was killed that there were those seated behind him, on the stage, who desired to see him dead? (He was referring to the members of the quorum of the twelve who were present at his speech) Yes, many questions.
ReplyDeleteYes, I believe page 48 of his autobiography. He states he was made a member of the skull and bones (satanic secret society -aka the brotherhood of death) and then Later advanced to the owl and key (a more “elite” class of skull n bones.
ReplyDeleteThis could explain why he’s so set on pushing NWO,WEF, satanic vaccines, “good global citizens”, calling the pope “his holiness”, also investing 150billion in satanic Babylian “mammon” is a fulfillment of scripture (“seeing this is a time of peace” D&C section (??can’t remember it search for it..)
And isn’t ether chapter 6 (correct me if I’m wrong). States these evil secret societies will be had among ALL nations, governments, churches, people etc. not surprised it’s in the LDS church but the fact that the current president is a member of one is frightening, a fulfillment of types n shadows (ciaphas and other sadducees Pharisees were called by Christ children of death/Satan (“vipers”/brotherhood of death) so everything will repeat itself
The church, it’s doctrines it’s practices it’s traditions it’s people it’s leaders will ALL fall into apostasy -AGAIN just before Christ comes the second time-same as it was at his FIRST coming. this is how the scripture in 3nephi 16 will be fulfilled. Also the scripture “the first (Israelites) will be last (fullness rejected by Mormons and given back to the Israelites) and the last (Gentile Pentecost) will be first (restoration by Joseph Smith)
All 90 of the temples announced on the church website Do Not have a place to be built. Perhaps he is just announcing them to make it look like the church is still growing.
ReplyDeleteJust wanted to say thank you! I don’t ever comment, but I have read your posts since 2019. Thanks for sharing your insights!
ReplyDeleteI am a firm believer in the Book of Mormon and its role in the Lord's plan for the last days. If you want to dig deeper than RMN, I highly encourage taking the time to go through all 14 presentations in this series. God bless.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for your pains in writing this! How eye-opening. I have never been at ease with RMN, and this is extremely helpful.
ReplyDeleteHave you looked into his family association to Rotary International? This is part 1 of a 3 part series.
ReplyDeleteWell that was fascinating - thanks for sending. If you hadn't told me it was a 3 part series I wouldn't have known. It took some serious search to find the second video and I can NOT find the third. YouTube must have some serious sensor over this? I went to the guys channel who made this video and it says his latest video is 7 months ago, which is inaccurate. By chance could you post the third video?
DeleteHere is the part 2 video, for those that are interested:
What about the fruits of a prophet changing the temple ceremony so many times in such a few span of years and each time calling those changes "inspiration". Rumors are that the recent fall 2024 changes are only a pre-cursor to even more temple ceremony changes to make it even shorter again. If the changes were "inspired" by god to a prophet shouldn't those changes be lasting and not need many additional changes over the course of such a short time, if ever? Can't God get his revelation right to his servants, or is it a different problem?
ReplyDelete"My dear brothers and sisters, when renovations on the Salt Lake Temple are completed, there will be no safer place during an earthquake in the Salt Lake Valley than inside that temple."
ReplyDeleteI think I’ll choose to go up to the mountain of the Lord instead. “Let the dead bury the dead.” So much money spent in structures, dead works, and adornable churches. Oh the voice of widows and orphans. Mormon 8 is that you calling?
Sorry I can’t pick up, I need to hasten the work.
So much good could have been done with the billions. Hey Elon/DOGE, could we get an audit of all the 501c3 churches please!
I could go on for hours about the Plandemic and partners……..
I’m sure a new verse of the song Praise to The Man is in the works. My thoughts about JS regarding that song. I think he’d like it to say, praise to the Lord who command with Joesph. Glory and praise be to God in the highest! Since he become profit, I’ve heard more “ President Nelson has said”……….. than Jesus has said…..A mouth piece of the Lord would correct that language quickly. President is definitely the correct title to one of the most wealthy 501c3s and even companies for that matter. Truly The Heart of the Matter matters. Was Mosiah ever called President? Isn’t that reserved for corporations and businesses, or political office? I’d really like to think words have meaning. I know everyone word in the book written for our times does. I’ll stop, I truly have no room to throw a stone, nor do I want to, I just have a hard time with money changers. I hope all can repent, come back to Jesus, and do the work Jesus asked us to.
I kept try to post a comment here but it kept not working. Maybe it did, or maybe I wasn’t supposed to. I won’t type it again. All I will say is Mormon 8 and Praise the Lord who communed with Joesph. I switched the words in how I feel it should be sung, and I think JS would agree.
ReplyDeleteMatthew 23
ReplyDelete27 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men’s bones, and of all uncleanness.