Sunday, September 25, 2022

The LDS Trinity

Recently the missionaries stopped by our house to introduce themselves and say 'hi'. We love the missionaries. Their excitement, single focus, sincere desire to help and do what is right is a beautiful thing. They are wonderful in almost every way.

We invited them in and told them that we aren't the typical inactive member. We don't "go fishing on Sundays" or just feel "too lazy" to go to church. We love the church, we love the members, we love the Book of Mormon, we love serving and participating in activities and even encouraged our son to take seminary the last two years. We told them that we love Jesus above all and that we haven't found Him to be the focus in church and that He often takes a back seat to "follow the prophet" and temple work. We have felt that following the prophet and going to the temple have, over time, become conflated into worshipping Jesus.

As we talked about the Temple for a bit I said that I used to feel that the Temple was the only place I could really get answers from the Lord. I told them I used to tell my husband, "I need to get to the Temple, I have to ask the Lord something important!" When I said this, one of the Elders let out an uncontrolled, "HA!" We looked over at him as he had raised eyebrows and he said, "That happened to me just recently!" He went on to tell us how the mission was allowed to have a special temple day. It was two months away so he spent a great deal of time preparing for it with some big questions he needed answered. He said when the day came, he sat expectantly in the celestial room and asked the Lord his questions. He said nothing came. Not a word. The longer he sat there waiting, the more he began to feel very sad. He'd pondered and waited all this time for just this moment to speak to the Lord on such important topics. He said he prayed, "Why Lord? Why haven't you answered me?" He said that the Spirit told him, "You waited all this time to ask Me those questions and I'm not going to answer you right now because you need to know you could have brought them to Me at any time."

Mic drop. The Lord speaks us in JUST the right way. What a fantastic young man. I was so amazed by the pure and profound revelation he received. God is seeking after his heart. Just like He's seeking after yours and mine. 

I generally do a pre or post General Conference post. Maybe I do that because I wonder if you, like me, have felt that you, "couldn't wait" to finally hear from the Lord and get some answers for your life. 

(Update 9.29.22: This screenshot is from an email from the Church that came in my inbox today:)

General conference and the Temple, for me, was where I believed I could get big answers. Because of that belief - I didn't hear much from the Lord until those times because I believed that was the only place God would speak to me. In His mercy, He did sometimes meet me in those places because He worked with my understanding. It wasn't until a few years ago that I began to wonder if He could meet me anywhere. That wonder led to questions and those questions led to long prayers and those long prayers led to long hours in my closet in worship. I began to trust the scripture in 1 Corinthians 3:16 when it says, "Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?" As I trusted in those words that we are the temple of God - the scripture in Malachi 3:1 took on a new meaning: "...the Lord, whom ye seek, shall suddenly come to his temple, even the messenger of the covenant, whom ye delight in: behold, he shall come, saith the LORD of hosts.

If you, as a church, have billions of dollars invested in Temples with more on the way, General Conference messages will need to press the importance of "the Holy Trinity" of Latter-day salvation: 

1. Pay your tithing.
2. Pledge allegiance to the church leaders who have never and can never lead you astray.
3. Stay on "the covenant path" (aka go to the Temple as much as possible).

“Keep going to the Temple...keep thinking about the covenants. Keep thinking about the promises you made in the Temple.”

The irony is that the Book of Mormon doesn’t mention building a temple and making temple covenants and doing work for the dead. Doctrine and Covenants doesn't mention building and attending a temple (it does say to build a "house") with the exception of D&C 124, 127 & 128 which gives brief mentions of baptisms for the dead. D&C 132 has a vague mention of sealings (Joseph Smith never published D&C 132 nor did he approve of it and wasn't included in the Doctrine and Covenants until many years after Joseph's death and only after it was "revised." See photo of the Joseph Smith papers below).

When the Doctrine and Covenants does mention temples it commonly does so with symbolism showing the human body as the Temple of God

Some examples are:

 D&C 93:

35 The elements are the tabernacle of God; yea, man is the tabernacle of God, even temples; and whatsoever temple is defiled, God shall destroy that temple. 
D&C 101:

22 Behold, it is my will, that all they who call on my name, and worship me according to mine everlasting gospel, should gather together, and stand in holy places;

23 And prepare for the revelation which is to come, when the veil of the covering of my temple, in my tabernacle, which hideth the earth, shall be taken off, and all flesh shall see me together.
D&C 36: 8 I am Jesus Christ, the Son of God; wherefore, gird up your loins and I will suddenly come to my temple. Even so. Amen.
D&C 133
Most members believe "stand ye in holy places" means that if times get tough, we will be hightailing it to the nearest temple for cover. 

That just isn't so. 

D&C 87:8 says, "Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it cometh quickly, saith the Lord. Amen."

Because our LDS culture is so heavily focused on the outward ordinances, it's no surprise that we assume, "standing in holy places" means some place physical. Symbolism is often lost on us and nowhere is that more evident than in the temple endowment where patrons know little to nothing of the gestures, words, and clothing they wear.

Standing in Holy Places means YOU are Holy and wherever you stand is a Holy Place!! You are the temple of God when you seek and do His will!

D&C 27:5 tells us that the Book of Mormon is the book that contains the fullness of the gospel. That means, it contains all the information you need to be saved and exalted. And in that book which contains the fullness of the gospel, you will not find mention that the Temple and its ordinances are the pinnacle of your spiritual journey in this life. You will, however, find that what the Book of Mormon is pointing you towards is demonstrated in the Temple. But since most members do not know what they are saying, doing, and wearing in the temple - they miss the presentation of the fullness of the gospel. The journey back to God becomes morphed into work for dead ancestors rather than being raised from the dead personally (as all who go through the temple are spiritually dead and not yet alive in Christ).

If the Church desires for members to really understand their covenants, they would need to squash the belief that we can not talk about the temple outside of the temple. The majority of members do not know what the clothing they wear represents, what the gestures they make mean, or what the words they say are pertaining to. New initiates are ill informed before they go to the temple pertaining to what they are about to experience. They aren’t prepared to make covenants because we have believed we can not speak about most everything that happens in the Temple.

So then, you take your son or daughter and as they stand in the temple and are asked to make and keep sacred covenants they have about three seconds to decide whether to commit to them or not (add on top of that a situation of extreme social pressure). 

This is troublesome because the promise you made before God, angels and witnesses are now tied to your eternal salvation and you barely had two seconds to understand what in the world they meant or what you were promising. Then the church, from that point forward, lets you know that you must make any sacrifice thereafter because you promised to be faithful to these covenants. And it was something that happened in a blink of an eye without much prior thought. This, to deep thinking members, presents holes that can cause things to fall apart. 

There is nothing in the Temple Endowment that uses the priesthood (the officiator never specifies by what authority he or she acts, merely that they have 'authority'). What is presented to you in the Temple isn't something that only the church can offer. 

If you have read the book Pilgrims Progress, it demonstrates a beautiful example of the Endowment. An animated version of Pilgrims Progress was made and you can watch it for free on Amazon (link). Even though it is animated, I highly recommend it even for adults). 

Those covenants that are made in the Temple aren't given to you by any priesthood holder because someone with the priesthood couldn't bestow them on you anyway, it is for God to bestow upon you Himself. The endowment is an invitation to learn how to pass the angels who stand as sentinels so that you can be redeemed from the fall and journey back to into the presence of the Lord. 

Another example of someone who has received their endowment from the Lord is Charles Mully. If you haven't watched this documentary on Amazon, please do. It is the best movie I have ever seen (link). You will watch a man, abandoned in childhood, walk the path of the endowment until he is so connected with God - he is allowed to reclaim a lost people. Watch this movie and try to convince yourself he hasn't obtained his endowment. Are we so prideful to believe that the LDS church is the only one with access to the endowment from He who offers Salvation? We place our value in dead works, never realizing we are the spiritually dead doing work for the physically dead. Until we are alive in Christ, our dead works will remain dead. 

To better help you or a loved one understand the Temple endowment, please see this website: 

LDS Endowment (link)

The blog offers a book format found on Amazon (link)

Passing the Angels Who Stand As Sentinels 


  1. Anonymous28.9.22

    What do you mean angels who stand as sentinels?
    The scriptures tell us there is no servant at the gate- the Holy one of Israel is the keeper.

    1. Correct, there is no servant at the gate.

      The line is, "passing" the Angels. Not stopping. Not worshiping them. Passing them.

      When God sent forth Adam and Eve from the Garden He "...placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims (angels who stand as sentinels), and a flaming sword (the blog explains what the flaming sword is) which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life (the Holy One of Israel).

      There is Aaronic Priesthood (lower level, association with and ministration of Angels) which, when experienced, leads the journeyman to the higher priesthood - the Melchizedek priesthood (higher level, association with the Lord).

      That blog I linked will help elaborate on all of that. There is no one beside or in front of the Holy one of Israel and no one that deserves our worship.

  2. Anonymous2.10.22

    Thank you Ruth. I loved this post. There is so much to learn once you awaken from the mind control we’ve sadly been under. The more I’ve studied, the more I’ve come to learn that the temple endowments mimic Freemason temple ceremonies. Sad.

    1. Jesus told a parable in Matthew 13 of servants who were eager to pull out the weeds. They were warned that in so doing, they would root out the wheat as well and were told to let both grow together until the last harvest. There is much knowledge God gave us from the foundation of the world that the Adversary quickly began to counterfeit (tares look like wheat to the untrained eye).

      To those who only see tares they will see the only path forward is to burn down the field of Mormonism. "Joseph was a liar," "The endowment was birthed from the evil Freemason's," "The Book of Mormon and Pearl of Great Price was made up". And so on.


      I agree to disagree.

      This blog is my journey of separating the wheat from the tares. The harvest requires dedicated patience and continual revelation to know how to separate the good from the bad rather than to light a match, declare the Freemasons or Joseph Smith or LDS, etc. evil and burn it down to the ground.

      I encourage you to read the blog I linked above about the Temple. Find anything in there that isn't truth, light, and pointing you to Jesus Christ (wheat) and tell me.

    2. Anonymous10.10.22

      Ruth, I don’t think anyone would be reading your blog if they weren’t doing exactly what you stated here. Trying to sift the wheat from the rates. If I had thrown out Mormonism all together, I wouldn’t even be here. I am but confused with your post as opposed to your comment. Know I’m not trying to argue, just understand.
      As you were explaining in your blog post, it seems like we don’t need an actual building to have these blessings bestowed upon us, right? Is not our body a temple and God bestows these blessings that lead us to the everlasting covenant? As for the grand buildings that have been built and adorned with fine things of the world that cost millions and millions of dollars to build, where you have to pay tithing to the organization that invests it in evil companies to be worthy to enter, seems pretty Masonic to me. Helaman 6:22-28 comes to mind. You yourself said in the post that the temple workers claim to have power to bestow these blessings on us, but it is something that comes from God.
      I feel like where we are misunderstanding one another is that I do believe the teachings in the temple come from God and lead us to the everlasting covenant with God. However, after learning that BY came from a Cochranite background and Heber came from a Masonic background, and you see how the physical temple is so intertwined with freemasonry, how can I feel that’s where I need to be?

    3. Anonymous10.10.22

      I guess what I should have said was, “the ritual” of the endowment has been corrupted.

    4. Thank you for elaborating. I am sorry if I seemed combative. To say that I have been raked over the coals for sharing that website/book is a total understatement. When I first shared that blog among my friends, three close friends that I had in my home countless times turned viscous over my promoting that blog. It made my head spin as their attacks didn't resemble the people I thought I knew. It truly brought me deep grief and many tears as they each separately gave me a piece of their mind which included personal attacks. Three close friends! Why did they have to flip out over that? But I guess it helped me see some things I needed to see. So if I seemed defensive, that was why.

      That being said, I have found a diverse group of people read this blog. Some are still very much in the church and attending the temple. Some are out. Some are half in, half out. I recognize that some people who read this blog love the temple very much and they feel a great sense of peace and direction from attending. It is to those people that I wrote this post.

      Basically what my hope was in sharing that website was this: If you're one of those people who feel to keep going to the Temple then...SEE JESUS and think of Him in ALL you do.

      My hope is that as people take time to ponder that endowment website, they will have questions and those questions will bring them to their knees and on their knees they will find He who is the Author of Truth.

      The thing I like about that website is that it isn't telling the reader to go to the Temple, only asking them that if they do go - ponder and pray to understand what the endowment is trying to teach.

      And lastly, the corruption of the endowment is discussed in Chapter 12 of that website (if I remember right). Is all of the endowment corrupted? Was it ever pure? Do we have any shred of a record that verifies Joseph ever taught the endowment and sealings beyond what Brigham claims? Was it all a Chochranite and Masonic creation? Many questions and no for sure answers. I have strong opinions, but they are just opinions since I don't have all the facts.

    5. Anonymous11.10.22

      Thank you for writing back. I should have said more in my first comment in the first place to truly explain what I was thinking as well. I feel like I almost completely agree with most of your posts. You write so eloquently as well. And I know exactly what you’re talking about by being raked over the coals for sharing something you thought people would love and appreciate, and then they completely turn on you. I have been through that as well, and it has quoted me down. You have strength in writing a blog and getting your feelings out there. I am actually glad you posted that website. I did read a bit of it, and I need to finish it. I would be very interested in chapter 12. You’re right that there is no hard evidence about this subject, and it has been a very confusing thing for me. I want to do what’s right, but haven’t received all the answers I’m seeking yet. I need to study and understand more, but I do know that the last time I attended and everyone was masked up, I got a terrible feeling, and that urged me to try and find out why. But I do agree that we can be given things by God and Satan twists them and corrupts them. Very best way to deceive us. Anyway, I feel like we’re pretty much in agreement, I just didn’t elaborate enough of what I was thinking. Thank you for responding:)

    6. Thank YOU. I value when people have thoughts and share them because it leads to greater understanding and Truths. So thank you for sharing.

  3. Anonymous2.10.22

    Hosea 8
    14 For Israel hath forgotten his Maker, and buildeth temples; and Judah hath multiplied fenced cities: but I will send a fire upon his cities, and it shall devour the palaces thereof.

    Jeremiah 7
    4 Trust ye not in lying words, saying, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, The temple of the Lord, are these.
